Finding the best healthcare to suit your needs can be extremely overwhelming. Simply Southern Chiropractic Center strives to provide our patients with top-quality patient care led by all of our wonderful doctors and supporting staff, including one of our wonderful chiropractic assistants, Trysta!
Interview with Trysta below!
Tell us a little bit about yourself!
“I was born in Montgomery, Alabama, but I lived in Jackson, Tennessee for most of my childhood. I graduated from Wren High School and I am now enrolled at Tri-County Technical College until I bridge to a bigger university!”
What’s your philosophy?
“My philosophy is to make improvements, not excuses.”
What are your favorite hobbies?
“My hobbies include anything with nature and animals! I love to go hiking, kayaking, and nature watching. Being in nature is peaceful. I also enjoy photography!”
Fun Facts
1. If you could meet anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
“I would love to meet Stephen King! I am obsessed with scary movies or books. I would love to talk to him about his thought-process for his work. I am also interested to see if it has impacted his life, meaning the psychological effects. Some of his work can be horrid.”
2. What is one thing you can’t live without?
“This is cliché, but my family! They are always there for me, and can put a smile on my face.”
3. Three words that describe you best?
“Compassionate, reliable, and determined.”
Before scheduling your chiropractic session, you should consult with your primary physician to discuss any pain or discomfort. Please feel free to contact us; we can walk you through the entire process of chiropractic care from beginning to end.