Simply Southern Chiropractic Blog

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When to Use Heat or Ice for Injury: A Chiropractor’s Perspective

When to Use Heat or Ice for Injury: A Chiropractor’s Perspective

Key Points: • Heat brings nutrient-rich blood to the injury site, while ice constricts the blood vessels, hindering the body’s natural healing process. • Ice can be used for pain and swelling in the first 24 hours, but heat will always be more beneficial for long-term...

How to Protect Your Spine, Joints, and Low Back at Work

How to Protect Your Spine, Joints, and Low Back at Work

Key Points •Some tools for keeping your spine and joints healthy at work include good supportive tennis shoes, a standing desk, a laptop stand with a separate keyboard to elevate your screen to eye level, and more. •Neither sitting nor standing all day is beneficial...